How to set up Cloud Server Products

Updated on November 24, 2023

Reading Time: 2 min



To have the reseller plugin already installed in your WHMCS. If you haven’t installed it yet, you can do it following this tutorial

Creating a Product Group

1. Let’s create a new product group for your Cloud Servers. To do that “System Settings >> Products/Services >> Create a New Group”



2. Use a descriptive name like Cloud Servers, fill up the rest of the fields and save the changes

Creating your first Cloud Server Product

1. Go to System Settings >> Products/Services >> Create a New Product”
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Product Type: Server/VPS

Product Group: The group you created in the previous steep

Product Name: How you want your product to be named

Module: remarkablecloud

Created as Hidden: You can put it on while you set up your products and later change it to OFF to make your products visible in your store.

Click on “Continue”


  • In the “Details” tab, set the following information:
  • Product Type: Server/VPS
  • Product Group: The group you created previously
  • Product Name: A catchy name for your product
  • Product Description: Your product descriptions, like ram, CPU, disk, etc
  • Require Domain: Uncheck this box

Now move to the Price tab


Here you need to set “Payment Type” as  “Recurring” and your prices per period.

Move to Module Settings when finishing your product prices

Module Settings

In this tab, you have to match your product with one of our Cloud Servers in the Reseller Product dropdown; we recommend to let Billing Cycle as “Auto” and “Do not Automatically setup this product” activated for the first few orders; You can set the auto-provisioning when you are sure that everything is working nicely.

Now click on “Save Changes”

The “Module Settings” tab now has some new options; let’s navigate through them

Products Details:

  • Start: Allows your end users to start their virtual machines
  • Stop: Allows your end users to power off their virtual machines
  • Reboot: Allow your end users to reboot their virtual machine
  • Details: Shows to your end users data about the virtual machine
  • Graphs: Show your end users’ graphics about  CPU, Memory, Bandwidth, etc
  • Get Info

Configurable Options

Configurable options are addons or extras to customize the server to the client’s needs; your customers can choose Operating System, Control Panel, Additional IPs, backups, etc.

1. Click on the button “+ Create Configurable Options.”

2. Click on “Create” (You can deactivate anything you don’t want to offer to your clients. only Operating System is mandatory)

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3. Click on “Save Changes”

Setting Configurable Options prices

1. Go to “System Settings >> Configurable Options” and click on the configurable option group that we just created
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From here, you can set prices for any software or addon

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The configurable options are shared between your Cloud Server Products, so you only have to set prices once. You can get your Reseller Price for configurable options from “ >> Services >> Reseller Area >> Pricing”. Click on the dollar sign of any Cloud Server and click on “Config Option Pricing”

Cloning a Cloud Server Product

Configuring a Cloud Server Product is a long process, so instead of repeating the process for each new server product is easier to copy the product that we just created and change prices and settings.


1. Go to “System Settings >> Products/Services.”

2. Click on “Duplicate Product” and select the Cloud Server product created previously

3. Set the new product name and click “Continue”

4. Change:

  • Details
  • Pricing
  • In “Module Settings,” set the product you want to associate with your product.
  • Set Product Details (Start, Reboot, etc.) and Save Changes
Now you can repeat the cloning procedure for the rest of the cloud server you want to resell