How to create a hosting account

    Updated on November 27, 2023

    Reading Time: 1 min read


    cPanel and WHM (Web Host Manager) allow you to manage your hosting account and server. With cPanel, you can create and manage your website, email accounts, and more. This article will show you how to create an account in cPanel/WHM.

    1.  Access WHM: You must access the login page to create an account in WHM. This can typically be done by visiting or visiting https://server.example.con:2087 (where server. is your cPanel/WHM hostname)
    2. Log in to WHM: Once you are on the login page, you must enter your username and password. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you do not know your login credentials.
    3. Create a new account: Once you are logged in to WHM, go to: “Account Functions >> Create a new Account.”
    4. Fill in the account details: You will be prompted to enter the following information:

    Domain name: This is the domain you want to create an account for.
    Username: This will be used to log in to the cPanel account.
    Password: Choose a solid and secure password for your account.
    Package: Select the package that you want to use for this account. This will determine the resources and features that are available to you.cpanel new account

    1. Review and create the account: Once you have entered all of the required information, click on the “Create” button to create the account. You will see a confirmation message once the account has been created successfully.

    Congratulations! You have now successfully created an account in cPanel/WHM. You can use this account to manage your hosting and website. If you have any questions or need further assistance, contact your hosting provider or refer to the cPanel/WHM documentation.